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Faculty of Arts

Prof Gaius Jatau

Dean Faculty of Arts

A finance and entrepreneurship expert with extensive experience in banking, academia, and consultancy. A proven leader and turnaround specialist, I’ve held key roles including HOD, Dean, and Director, and currently serve as Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at Kaduna State University.


An accomplished finance and entrepreneurship expert, academic planner, and seasoned management consultant with extensive experience in banking, higher education, and consultancy. A self-motivated leader and turnaround specialist, I have successfully led diverse teams across business, academic, and community sectors to achieve strategic goals. With a strong foundation in merchant and commercial banking, I rose through the ranks to general management, before transitioning to academia, where I have held key leadership roles including HOD, Dean, Director of Consultancy & Entrepreneurship, and now Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at Kaduna State University. My journey reflects a commitment to excellence, innovation, and impactful leadership in both the corporate and academic spheres.


  • Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, Department of Economics and Management Science, (2008 – 2012)
  • Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Department of Business Administration, (1998 – 2000)
  • Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Department of Business Administration, (1983 – 1986)
  • College of Advanced Studies, Zaria (1981 – 1983)


  • Muhammad, J. Ango, Y.I. & Dabo D. & Andow H. A. (2022), Moderating Effect of Institutional Ownership Structure on the Relationship between Internal Determinants and Financial Performance of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria, Kaduna Business and Management Review, Vol.5, Issue 2, Dec. 2022, ISSN: 2384-7468
  • Salawu F.S., Andow H.A., Ango Y.I, Dabo Z. (2023), Effect of Entrepreneurial Capacity Building on Employment Generation in North-West, Nigeria, Sokoto Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 35. No. 2 ISSN:2141-1670
  • Jerome A.U., Dabo Z., Ango Y.I. & Andow H, (2022), Ownership Succession Plan and Family Business Sustainability in Kaduna Metropolis, NDA Journal of Management Sciences Research, Vol. 2 No.2.
  • Abdulhamid, A.A. Ango, Y.I. & Abubakar H. (2022), Mediating effect of Dynamic Capability on the Relationship between Social Capital and SME Performance in Kaduna Metropolis, Journal of Management Science and Career Development, Sub-Saharan African Academic Research Publications,Centre for African Development Studies, University of Ibadan, Vol. 25(7), ISSN 2385-8148
  • Muhammad, J. Ango, Y.I. & Dabo D. & Andow H. A. (2021), Moderating Effect of Managerial Ownership Structure on the Relationship between Assets Quality and Financial Performance of 11 | P a g e Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria, Afit Journal of Accounting Research, ol. 2. (41), ISSN:2971-666


Research & Academic Writing90%
Leadership & Management88%
Academic and Teaching Expertise80%
Consultancy & Advisory Services77%
Financial & Banking Expertise80%