DEPARTMENT OF NURSING SCIENCES,FAHS, KADUNA STATE UNIVERSITY, Office Location: Old College of Medicine Complex, KASU Main Campus.

Mrs. Fatima Usman Bature

lecturer II

Fatima Usman Bature a Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MSc) graduate from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and a PhD student in the same institution. She is a Lecturer (II) staff of the Department of Nursing Sciences with the task of lecturing undergraduate student nurses, conducting research and community service. She is from Kaduna State, Sabon -Gari local government, Zaria and currently the coordinator of Maternal and Child Health Nursing of the department. She is also a member of the Employment and Promotion Committee, Faculty Monitoring and Evaluation committee and quality assurance committee. Her research interest is in Maternal and Child Health Nursing, focusing on emergency obstrectic care and perinatal mental health. She is also a resource person in Ahmadu Bello University distance learning center.


Mrs. Fatima Usman Bature is an accomplished and dedicated nursing professional specializing in Maternal and Child Health Nursing. A Lecturer II in the Department of Nursing Sciences at Kaduna State University, she is recognized for her excellence in teaching, research, and community service. With a Master’s degree in Nursing Science from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and currently pursuing her PhD at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Fatima is committed to advancing healthcare and nursing education.

As the departmental coordinator for Maternal and Child Health Nursing, she plays a pivotal role in fostering academic excellence. She is also an active member of the Employment and Promotion Committee, Faculty Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, and Quality Assurance Committee. Her research interests include emergency obstetric care and perinatal mental health, demonstrating her focus on addressing critical healthcare challenges.

Fatima’s professional experience spans roles as a Midwife Tutor and Nurse Tutor at Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, where she nurtured the next generation of healthcare providers. She has participated in numerous workshops and training programs, furthering her expertise in research, pedagogy, and clinical supervision. With exceptional skills in public speaking, critical thinking, and nursing services, Fatima exemplifies dedication and innovation in nursing education and practice.


  • PhD, Nursing Science in view, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2022 -Till Date).
  • Masters (MSc) Nursing Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2012-2016).
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, Usmanu Dan Fodio University, Sokoto (2010-2011).
  • Bachelor of Nursing , Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (2004-2009).


  • ⦁ Impact of computer aided instruction and enriched lecture method on interest and performance in social studies Among secondary school students, Zaria-Nigeria. (2023) unpublished.
  • ⦁ Assessment of knowledge, perception, and potential demand for waterbirth among reproductive age women in Gombe State Nigeria (in progress).
  • ⦁ Acceptance and attitude towards covid-19 vaccine: a cross sectional study of undergraduate student college of medicine Kaduna State University.(2022) unpublished
  • ⦁ Knowledge and utilization of patogram among nurses in MIBA Memorial Hospital, Zaria. (2017) unpublished
  • ⦁ Knowledge, practice and barrier to practice of Prostate Cancer Screening among male staff of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. (2015) unpublished.
  • ⦁ Knowledge and practice of Prostate Cancer Screening among male staff of Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnique Zaria. Unpublished.


Research & Development90%
Teaching Excellence83%
Academic Leadership85%
Collaborative Learning & Supervision87%
Nursing Service89%